Customization of mixing equipment


Let your team represent you, we can customize it so that your brand is always at the forefront of each project.

Service after sale

We are ready to deliver Any spare part that your team needs. We always make national and international shipments through means that protect your purchase.

Spare parts for barrel mixers 8 M3
Unit Maintenance

Maintenance Of units

We are experts in mixing equipment, cement plants and silos, we make sure that yours work optimally and safely.

equipment installation stirrer

Do you already have the chassis for your unit? We take care of installing the mixing equipment of the capacity you need.

Mixing equipment installation

Instalación y puesta en marcha

Comienza operaciones con tus equipos Braher, podemos apoyarte en la instalación y puesta en marcha.

Transporte y Logística

Tus equipos Braher hasta la puerta de tu proyecto, cotiza el traslado de tus unidades y déjaselo a los expertos.

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